Tammy Wisell the owner of Ad Wiz Specialties began her career in the promotional products industry in 1992 while she was expecting her first child. To say that her daughter, and now partner, Amanda Hernandez was born into the business would be an understatement. We lived and breathed it for many years. As a Sr. Account Rep for a small print shop here in S. Florida, Tammy’s love for the industry grew. In 2019 that love flourished into what you all know as Ad Wiz Specialties.
Over the years we have grown into even more than we ever imagined. We realized that it was time for us to choose a name that better represents our core values and our purpose in the industry. It was a daunting task to choose a new name and took weeks of thought and contemplation. Ironically, one of the first names that we liked is the one we ultimately chose. Build That Brand just seemed to fit!
With our consultative approach to everything we do and our desire to help our clients achieve measurable results, changing our name was the natural progression of things. We are still the same great people and still doing the same great work, but now we have a name that better describes that purpose.
Welcome to Build That Brand!
“Your Brand Is the Single Most important investment you can make in your business” -Steve Forbes, Editor in Chief of Forbes Magazine